Follow my blog with Bloglovin Habbakuk 2 vs 2: Then the Lord answered to me and said:"Write the vision and make it plain on tablets that he may run who reads it". Hey guys!! I entered this new year happy and i hope you also did. This is also my first post this year. The new year means a lot of things to different people, to some it means new beginnings, to others it means life continues. What does a new year mean to you? I have never really taken new years seriously, I just think i'm going to be a year older but not until this week. Everyone wants to succeed. We all want money and fame but it's not easy to get all that. Sometimes, after hearing some people's dream of their future, I think to myself, you got a nice dream but guy I can't see that happening with that character of yours. Your behaviour, attitude or character matters a lot. I don't think one should think, worry or complain about the present when you still have a future. I'm going ...