Clenching for life

Hey, what's good?! Psst...psst.. anyone out there? Lol, I don't expect anyone to actually be. Moving on, my life this period as been kind of a blur. It's not what I could have imagined you know, with big dreams and all. It's starting to look like the m-word.... "mediocre", yikes! Well, I guess there are a lot of things that could have resulted in that. I think one factor is the loss of grit, you know that relentless spirit in you that doesn't let you give up or stop fighting no matter what, yes, that's it...grit! I think I've lost that in this period of my life. I also feel the major cause of this is I've stopped dreaming, or I don't remind myself of the dream well enough as I should so I'm losing the big picture, the big picture that has been constructing this little bits of pieces I'm currently in. It's time for me to dream again, to see that picture, to visit the life I want for myself. Thank God I don't have to wait so ...